NEAS 2023 Wilce Award!
April 2023: The Robert Wilce Award for the best graduate oral presentation at the 61st annual meeting of the Northeast Algal Society was awarded to Fordham Doctoral student Michael Kausch, for their talk titled “Non-heterocystous Limnoraphis birgei Does Not Require Dissolved Nitrogen for Growth.”
Congratulations, Mike!

News of our colleagues and the wider freshwater world
High Flow Experiment in the Colorado River April 2023
A High Flow Experiment has recently been completed in the Colorado River downstream of Glen Canyon Dam. Water was released from the dam through bypass tubes on April 24, 2023. This experimental flood aims to help move sand and sediment down the Colorado River in similar fashion to the natural flows in the river prior to construction of Glen Canyon Dam.

NYT Op Ed By Bruce Babbitt, Secretary of the Interior Department in the Clinton administration, and former governor of Arizona.